Everything Your Doctor Would Tell You If He Had The Time


Spine is faded as is usual from orange to yellow; 35mm crease across front corner; unmarked; monochrome diagrams & illustrations throughout. In the form of questions, mostly very intelligent and which would not occur to the average person, & well researched answers from Medical Doctors and other professionals. A patient who is informed, and who has some understanding of medical matters, is a happier patient than one who is ignorant and therefore more alarmed than he need be. Most doctors prefer dealing with patients who have some correct medical facts, and few today will trot out the boring old adage about a little knowledge being dangerous. Knowledge is always good. This book adds to your store.

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Authored by Claire Rayner and published by Pan Books of London in 1980. A Paperback  this First Edition copy is in Very Good condition. The size of the book is 272x213x16mm with 224 pages. ISBN 0330260383.