

On the sands of the Kalahari lies a country wherein may still be found: prides of Lion in excess of twenty, Elephants dotting lush plains like so many ants, and huge herds of Buffalo in their thousands.

Timeless Africa in all its remoteness and authenticity, the Chobe National Park covers an inhospitable 11 777 square kilometres. Extreme conditions and often virtually impenetrable terrain have left much of the land undisturbed by humans.

Exhilarated at finding such a wilderness amidst the continent’s madly accelerating population, the author immediately set about recording this uniqueness on film and in text. The project took three years to complete, resulting not only in an outstanding photographic portrayal of this magnificent untamed area and its inhabitants, but also in a fascinating text on the author’s experiences and observations of Africa’s larger and more dangerous wildlife.

In order to film animals undisturbed in this natural wilderness, many of the photographs were taken on foot and unarmed. The knowledge to do this was gradually and cautiously acquired, much time being spent in remote off road areas. Here it was impossible to approach animals by vehicle, and the text relates numerous absorbing experiences which contributed to the author’s enthusiastic education on the environment and its wild inhabitants.

This book will hold the reader spellbound with accounts of lion hunts at night, insights into the tender personalities and efficient social systems of elephants, and much other firsthand information.

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Authored by Bruce Aiken and published by Struik of Cape Town in 1986. Hard cover bound, this Second Impression copy is in Fine condition, covered in plastic with a Very Good dust jacket. The size of the book is 342x246x17mm, with 208 pages. ISBN 9780869772713. Dj has closed tears 32, 22, 19, 6, 6, 5, 4mm with some concommittant creasing. Book is somewhat worn on top and bottom edges; smudge on ffep where a sticker has been removed. 208pp, 229 full colour photos.