Authored by F.W. Fitzsimons and published by Maskew Miller of Cape Town in 1919. Hard cover bound, this Third and Revised Edition, is in Very Good condition, covered in plastic and without a dust jacket. The size of the book is 226x160x30mm, with 591 pages including an index to illustrations, ads, index to addenda, and an index
4 corners very slightly worn; head & tail of spine somewhat frittered but restored. Titles on spine and front are bright but the gilt snake’s head is somewhat rubbed. Fold-out col illustration of snakes is complete but, as a preventative measure, the folds have been strengthened on verso with non-staining “Magic “tape; one older tear, 58mm, has been repaired with ” Sello ” tape which has stained. xvi plus 550 pp plus 1 page advert for Snakebite Outfit. Includes Addenda; (additional) b&w photographic plates – “Figs A to Z”; Index, Index to Addenda and Index to illustrations in text, of which there are 171 b&w photos. (There is a note to the effect that some of plates A to Z were not placed correctly in the text due to cost. This is understandable since it would have meant a complete resetting of the type. ) The date of 1919 comes from the author’s Preface. This is clearly a revised and augmented and therefore a 2nd Edition of the Maskew Miller production of 1912, which should be described as “First thus” since the true first was published by Walton of Port Elizabeth in 1910. The next printing by M Miller was stated “Third Edition’ and, if memory serves, was 1927. This unstated “2nd Miller’s Edition ” is very rare and is a wonderful production for its time.