
The Success of Poems from the Forces, published in the autumn of 1941, was so considerable that a second volume was clearly called for. This second volume again edited by Keidrych Rhys, is a larger and we believe a better and more solid collection. It contains poems by many new poets serving at home and abroad, as well as poems by many of those whose work appeared in the first volume.

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Compiled and Edited by Keidrych Rhys. Published by Routledge of London in 1943. Hard cover bound this First Edition copy is in Very Good condition, covered in plastic and with a facsimile dust cover. The size of the book is 189x130x18mm.

324pp. Signed by (Major) Bertie Simpkins , late Commandant R L I, Jhb. All pages uniformly yellowed. Dj is a colour copy of a much repaired original.