Hand Bookbinding contains thorough, step by step instruction in the sound, traditional methods of fine hand binding, with emphasis on careful workmanship and durability. Written in clear language, and profusely illustrated with explicit drawings and diagrams, the book demonstrates how to carry through a series of binding projects from a simple folded booklet to a multi signature book sewn on tapes.
Directions are given for the fundamental steps of folding, marking up and sewing, making and attaching boards, and designing title labels. Similar instructions are given for advanced procedures including the rebinding of an old book, making of split boards, headbanding, making a slipcase, and the making of a box for a set of books.
There is a special section in which instructions are given for the making of tools and equipment, folding stick, folding needle, awls, sewing frame, backing boards, and finishing press. The illustrations in this section are provided with dimensions and exploded views to explain their assembly
Hand Bookbinding is for the beginning binder, who will find its organization and illustrations easy to follow. The book is also a useful adjunct to the training of book designers, editors, book illustrators, and those interested in book manufacturing and publishing. It will also be a useful handbook for the amateur hobbyist, the craft teacher, and the camp instructor.
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