

The present volume is a greatly enlarged English edition of Die Diamantfuhrendeen Gesteine Sudafrikas, which appeared in 1909. During the five years that have passed the writer has had exceptional opportunities of continuing his studies at all the important centres of diamond production in the Sub-Continent, and he began The Diamond Mines of Southern Africa firmly resolved that it should contain all that is worth knowing of an industry, small in its beginnings, which as a result of the enormous increase in the world’s wealth during the two past decades has assumed astonishing proportions. In how far he has succeeded in this extremely ambitious project, the reader must judge.

The work is divided into three sections, of which the first and second treat respectively of The Primary (Kimberlite) Occurrences and The Detrital Diamondiferous Deposits, while the third is devoted to the Diamond Mining Companies and to Statistics . The scope of the different sections is clearly indicated in the Table of Contents which takes the place of an index.

Of the photographs reproduced, the majority are from the writer’s camera, a few were placed at his disposal by friends, and one or two purchased. …

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Authored by Percy Albert Wagner and published by the Transvaal Leader of Johannesburg in 1914. Hard cover bound, this First Englis Edition copy is in Very Good condition, covered in plastic and without a dust jacket. The size of the book is 248x193x34mm.

347pp incl appendixes and bibliography. 2 fold out maps at rear. Book has no list of illustrations, probably because it would have pointed up errors. Two fold maps : “Principal Kimberlite Occurences” , & ” Diamond Fields of Griqualand West”. xxxv pp plus i page Errata. The compilation by the printer is very dodgy not only in this copy but all other copies I have seen: eg – nominally 82 figures but Fig 78 is on the verso of Fig 82. As in other copies, Plates II (2) & XXI are missing, but I have inserted a photocopy of Plate II ( 2) and what must be XXI appears at p139 not only in this copy but in other copies as well.. So in total XXXVI full page plates. 347pp includes 8 Tables, 4 Appendixes. PLUS EXTRA INDEX by Gerry Levin PLUS Appendix V, both photocopied from the Second Edition of 1971 taking it to 355pp incl appendix V. Illustrated with “82 figures” (including b&w photos); many tables in text; VIII Tables and V Appendices at end . First Edition.. Hard Cover Dark Green Cloth.. Very Good in Plastic./None. 247x34p21mm.