

What’s that bird? offers the budding birder an easy entry into the often bewildering world of bird identification. Simple and direct in its approach, it groups some of southern Africa’s astounding variety of over 900 bird species according to family likeness or common habitat or, occasionally, species that are likely to be confused with one another. The reader is encouraged to recognize group characteristics before launching into species detail.

Well known for his popular field guide to southern African birds, Ken Newman has made a selection here of birds that many people see near home or in day to day travelling. Some, however, live in specific habitats and must be looked for there, for convenience and to suggest the way forward for a starter, the groups are arranged in broad divisions ending with birds that are more difficult to identify and to find.

On its own or in combination with a field guide, What’s that bird? is an engaging introduction to the birds of the region and a solid base from which to launch an interest in birds and birding.

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Authored by Kenneth Newman and published by Struik of Cape Town in 2003. Soft cover bound, this First Edition copy is in Fine condition, covered in plastic with an illustrated cover. The size of the book is 245x162x13mm. Places all common birds into easily recognisable groups with col photos of individual species and drawings of less common species. This book is hard to find. Illustrated with colour photographs throughout, with drawings and diagrams.