
Two things distinguish What Tree is That? from most other books on trees. This first is the welcome emphasis it gives to warm climate and southern hemisphere trees, the trees we see around us and live amongst, and which we often have or wish to grow in our own gardens. In books for the practical gardener and the non-specialist tree lover these have generally received scant attention compared with that given to cool climate, northern hemisphere trees. This book sets out to redress the balance: as well as the European favourites, including many new and special varieties, you will find an array of magnificent trees from the new world, together with notes on their cultivation and habits.

The second, and valuable, point of difference is the detailed index which lists over 1200 species, with their botanical and popular names, origin and climatic requirements, descriptions of foliage, flowers, fruit and other notable feautres, plus information on size and growing habits and the uses of their various parts.

This is the most comprehensive book to date for the tree lover, the traveller and the home gardener. All three will find it invaluable in identifying the trees they see and in choosing those they wish to have around them.

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Authored by Stirling Macoboy and published by Landsdowne of Sydney Australia in 1982. Hard cover bound this First Edition, 2nd Impression is in Fine condition, covered in plastic and with a Very Good dust jacket. The size of the book is 286x210x22mm. ISBN 0701816597.

272 pp incl acknowledgements, index of popular names, botanical index and glossary. Sydney, Oz: Lansdowne., 1982. Dj is slightly bumped on head and 4 corners; 5 pieces of selloptape staining on verso , largest 65mm showing thru slightly to recto. Book has v minor wear at head & tail; edges v slightly discol. 272pp incl index listing over 1200 species; between 1 and 5 col photos on ea page. Expect extra postage. Please see this bookseller’s lists under “Botany” and “trees” for more.. First Edition, 2nd Imp.. Hard Cover Green Boards.. Fine in Plastic./Good. 286x21p6mm.