
London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, No Date + – 1890s. Cover illustration is very faded as is usual. Spine is new green cloth with a title, which the original did not have. Edges worn, now tarted-up; worn cnrs covered in matching cloth. All edges gilt; fancy end-papers, now repaired to match original paper; monochrome sketches in text; 10 chrome lithographs illustrative of the poetry. No pagination.. First Edition Thus,. Hard Cover Illustrated Boards.. Good in Plastic./None. Illus. by GILBERT, Sir John. 227x10p4mm. Binding has been stapled.

“This little work is a careful reproduction in miniature of Sir John Gilbert’s beautiful illustrations to the Songs and Sonnets of Shakespeare, the publication of which by Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston and Co in the year 1862, has always been consid4red one of the highest achievements of Chromo-Lithography.
The selections of Songs and Sonnets here given has been made with special regard to the opportunities they have afforded for artistic illustration.
The book has again been undertaken by the Same Lithographers, and it is hoped that the present issue, in tits reduced form will be found to compare favorably with its predecessor.


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Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert. Published by Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington of London. This undated copy is presumed to be a first edition of this copy. This edition being a reproduction in miniature of an 1862 work by the same publishers. A hardcover bound book in Good Condition without a dust jacket and covered in adhesive plastic. The size of the book is 227x13x197mm and it’s weight is 403g.