
374 pp incl glossary. Well bound and unmarked. Pages tanned.

In this Odyssey, Professor Lattimore has achieved his chef-d oeuvre as a translator. Studied in retrospect, much of his previous work takes on the appearance, technically speaking, of prolegamena to this dazzling and well-nigh flawless performance …

In the Odyssey he has found the ideal poem both for himself and for his audience; and he has come to it at the very height of his powers …Here is a master in perfect control of his medium. The apparent ease with which he surmounts every problem, the perfect balance struck and maintained between vivid, fast moving narrative and epic formality, the rhythmic subtleties, the freshness and vigour of language displayed from first page to last, all these make his Odyssey a landmark in the history of modern translation. …

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A Modern Translation by Richmond Lattimore. Published by Harper Colophon Books of New York after 1975. This soft cover bound reprint copy is in Very Good condition, covered  in plastic and without a dust jacket. The size of the book is 203x133x19mm. ISBN 0060904798.