In the golden half-light of a midsummers evening, the sort where any kind of magic can occur, and often does, in the midst of a party held in a wild and rambling garden, stood Pierre, teetering on highly unsuitable heels. Surrounded by a symphony of overripe roses.
On that midsummer evening, Pierre, the daughter of a bumbling botanist and a ravishing Italian soprano, sweet and shy and gangly as a baby giraffe, meets a man with dancing eyes.
Alas, in the midst of a glorious affair, an indiscretion is committed and Pierre flees New York. But forgetting her beloved proves far harder than she imagines.
Magical, bittersweet, and utterly charming, Sophie Dahl’s debut is an old fashioned romance for a modern day world
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Authored by Sophie Dahl, with pictures by Anne Morris, published by Bloomsbury of London in 2003. Hard cover bound, this First Edition copy is in Fine condition, covered in plastic with a Fine dust jacket. The size of the book is 214x149x16mm, there is no Pagination. ISBN 9780747563723. Illustrated with colour and black and white line drawings throughout. Whimsical. Illustrated eps. Clean and well bound. No inscriptions, annotations or marks. Some creasing to corner pages.