THE ANGLO-ZULU WAR: The War Correspondents


This vivid account explores the war as it appeared to the professional and amateur war correspndents who covered it in extraordinary depth in both the British and colonial press, describing not only the pitched battles but much of the human drama of everyday campaihning from a variety of perspectives. These reports are linked together by a narrative which places them in the military, political and social context of the war

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Bookseller Inventory #: 011589
Author: LABAND, JOHN (Prof), & KNIGHT, IAN
Format/binding: Hardcover
Book condition: Used – Very Fine in plastic
Jacket condition: Very Fine
Quantity available: 1
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Jonathan Ball
Place: Johannesburg
Date published: 1996
Keywords: War, history, Zulu war, first invasion, infantry
Bookseller catalogs: War; Zulu;
Size: 251x18p36mm
Location: A u3

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