Published by la COMMISSION d’Organisation des Ceremonies du Centenaire de Marcelin Berthelot of Paris in 1927. This soft cover bound First Edition, commerative package comes in a sip case, the collection is of a varying condition. The size of the slip case is 215x145x55mm.
373pp and 148pp. Besides the 2 most important booklets listed above there are another 10 items – 5 unbound: – Invitation to the University of Stellenbosch; Carte de Delegue Officiel ; and Carnet De Delegue No 350, both in the name of J F E Celliers, l’Afrique du Sud; Comite d’Initiative; Theatre Ticket No 225. 5 bound with ribbon or string : Seance Solennelle 24 Oct; Celebration- Hotel de Ville 24 Oct; Ceremonie au Pantheon 25 Oct; ; Soiree de Gala 25 Oct; Banquet 25 Oct; Soiree du 26 Octobre, All 12 items are in a cloth and board case, which is in poor condition with a flap MISSING. All items are in French. Very Rare!!