
All pages uniformly yellowed. 306pp. Clean and well bound with no markings, inscriptions or annotations.

The funniest writer now working in the English language. His humour has bite and an angry underside that puts him in the great tradition of English satirists – Stephen King

Riotous Assembly is a masterpiece of black farce, and makes me suppose that there is a true comic genius here. Auberon Waugh, Spectator.

Superbly hilarious – Sunday Mirror.

Riotous Assembly has done to the South African police what Catch 22 did to the American Air Force.  Piers Brendon, Books and Bookmen


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Authored by Tom Sharpe and published by Arrow Books of Middlessex in 2002. Soft cover bound this First Edition, 4th Impression, copy is in Very Good condition, covered in plastic and without a dust jacket. The size of the book is 198x128x21mm.