ON SERVICE 1939 – 1945
by Meiring, J M), (Ed)
Condition: Very Good in Plastic./Very Good
Dj has closed chips 50×5, 40×15, 12×7, 5x5mm; closed tears 26, 8, 4mm. Book has had a name (J M Meiring?) cut out (48x3mm) of the title p, where the author/ editor’s name would usually have been; a blank “Ex Libris” label covers where an inscription was removed. EXTRA printed title on the spine. 81pp, incl 14pp photos and Roll of Honour of the Old Boys and Staff of Grey College, of which the Editor, “J M M” was on the Staff and most probably the Headmaster in 1946 (probable date of publication.) It is quite sad that the editor made such efforts to downplay his and his son’s own involvement in the “Supreme Sacrifice”, no doubt because many others at the School made the same sacrifice, including multiple entries with the same surname: e g: Wessels x 7, Wright x 6. Please ask for details..
Bookseller Inventory #: 007891
Title: ON SERVICE 1939 – 1945
Author: Meiring, J M), (Ed)
Format/binding: Hard Cover Terracotta Cloth
Book condition: Used – Very Good in Plastic.
Jacket condition: Very Good
Quantity available: 1
Edition: First Edition.
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Van Zyl & Co.,
Place: Bloemfontein.
Keywords: War, Grey College, South Africa, Roll of Honour
Bookseller catalogs: War;
Size: 253x9p2mm