Book has 2 incipient stains from tape on both front and rear end papers. 190pp incl index; Col photos thru’out text.
As the last rays of the sun fade from the sky, there is a stirring in woods and fields. In the dark shadows, the secret lives of nocturnal animals are beginning to unfold. Although the human eye can make out little on moonless night, the sound of the countryside, the hooting of an owl, the scuttling of mice in the undergrowth and the distant cry of a fox, tell us that many creatures are awake and busy.
Until the twentieth century, man, with his limited sensory powers, knew little about the activities of nocturnal animals. Only with the development of modern technology, radar, echo sounding, infra-red cameras, etc, have we been able to probe the night time world more closely. Now the secrets of the natural world at night are being revealed and this book describes many new discoveries made about nocturnal animals. These include unexpected findings about the social lives of foxes, the behaviour of badgers in towns, the visual power of owls, the strange sleep patterns of dolphins, the navigational abilities of night migrating birds and the uncanny magnetic sense of field mice and other animals.
Nightwatch is not a book only for armchair naturalists, however, for it includes a section of practical advice for those anxious to discover the mysteries of the night for themselves.
The fascinating text is accompanied by stunningly beautiful photographs taken by Kim Taylor and Jane Burton. They have captured nocturnal animals in their diverse habitats as they have never before been seen, using the very latest photographic techniques.
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Authored and photographed by Jane Burton and Kim Taylor. Contributors: Professor John Cloudsley-Thompson, Dr Minnie Courtney, Dr Pat Doncaster, Henry Arnold, Dr Tony Wallwork Michael Allaby, and Linda Gamlin. Published by Michael Joseph Ltd of London in 1983. This First Edition, hard cover bound, is in Fine condition, with a Fine dust jacket and covered in plastic. The size of the book is 294x204x19mm. ISBN 0718123050.