

The value of a book can be judged by the use that is made of it. If this test be applied to Professor Henning’s book, it must be concluded that the book has been a great success. The demand for it has been great and those who were fortunate enough to possess a copy have made full use of it. During the years that I occupied the Chair of Tropical Diseases in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pretoria, I found Professor Henning’s book indispensable. I learned to appreciate more and more the good judgement he showed in the selection and presentation of the material contained in the first edition of this work.

For some years there has been an insistent demand for a second edition. Professor Henning has now found the time, in between his many other duties, to prepare a second edition, incorporating in it as much as possible of the information which has been accumulating in the intervening years. He also made use of the opportunity to revise the composition of the book and has omitted certain sections, notably those dealing with poisonous plants, which do not seem to fit entirely into the structure of the work. This has enabled the author to include other more important chapters without increasing the bulk of the volume. The decision of the publishers to issue the book in one volume is, in my pinion, a wise one and will add to the usefulness of this important work.

When the first edition appeared sixteen years ago I recommended Professor Henning’s book to all veterinarians, veterinary students and others interested in stock. I can repeat that recommendation now with even greater confidence.

P.J. Du Toit Pretoria May 1948

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Authored by M. W. Henning, M.R.C.V.S. D.Sc., Professor of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria. Published by Central News Agency, Ltd. of South Africa in 1949. Hard cover bound this Second Edition, completely revised is in Very Good  condition, covered in plastic, with no dust jacket. The size of the book is 243x160x48mm, with 879 pages including the index and a xii page introduction. Book has head and tail somewhat scuffed but repaired, Black & white photos throughout text.