A Rererence Grammar of Oshindonga (Wambo)
The present reference grammar is the introductory publication in a series catering for research into the peoples and cultures of Namibia. The series African Studies of the Academy is intended to present scientific publications in book format on Nambian languages, literature, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, politics or related disciplines.
The purpose of the series is to bring into focus neglected areas of inquiry, and to create an opportunity for scientific publications with a limited and hence non-profitable market. The series is meant to serve international scholarship with research into Nambian topics.
This series will not confine itself to the publication of research results, but could also include rare historic documents and other original materials of importance to research. The series aims to provide an open forum, and views expressed by authors need not be shared by the editors of the series.
The present publication by Derek Fivaz is the resume of research which he conducted in collaboration with Sakariah Shikomba at the Academy during the first semester of 1984. Professor Fivaz did this work as a guest lecturer at the invitation of the Academy, with the specific brief of providing the linguistic material for a first year course in Ndonga. This material was compiled in the form of a reference grammar to be used mainly by students and their teachers, but also by the layman. The scope of this book is therefore, largely determined by its particular aim.
Similar publications are envisaged in the hope that they may benefit undergraduate studies and post-graduate research, as well as general inquiry.
Only 1 left in stock
Authored by Derek Fivaz, with the collaboration of Sakaria Shikomba. Published by African Studies of the Academy of Windhoek in 1986. Rebound in Hard cover red skivertex, the original soft-cover wraps have been retained. This First Edition copy is in Fine condition. The size of the book is 218x153x14mm, with 183 pages and a xx page prelim. ISBN 0947433066. Clean and well bound. Appears unread. No inscriptions annotations or marks. Crisp and bright. Illustrated occasionally with graphs and tables. Originally a soft cover, now rebound in red skivertex, with gold lettering on the spine, original wraps retained.